Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Arena Update

Good to see that the Star took up on the story that I disclosed first here about the death of the Arena at the Raceway.

One of my readers sent me a note wondering why Eddie did not tell John Fairley on his year-end Face-to-Face interview that he knew that the Arena deal was dead. The letter said it was faxed on the 15th to Eddie's office and I believe that Eddie was interviewed for his one hour special after the 15th.

Now my recollection is that Eddie said he would like an arena but there had to be a business case for it. If he knew by the time the question was asked that there was no business case or any case for the Raceway arena, why not give John the "exclusive" and say it then! Why did he wait for so long?

I wonder what Councillor Jones' reaction is. He has to be furious about the way that Beztak was treated by his colleagues on Council. Their Inquisition chased them out of town yet not a peep about the Raceway deal.

If I were the Councillor, I would not allow this matter to go to a Council Strategy Session but require that it be discussed out in the open in front of the cameras on Cable 11! Otherwise the whole deal is dead.

And if I were a Councillor, I'd ask Administration why they seemed to have done nothing on this matter until December 16 and also ask the Mayor if he talked to anyone about an arena.

I have an idea for Council...take the $15 million that you are so eager to spend, look at your existing arenas and either fix them up or tear them down and build "ice palaces." Start in Ward 5 where Eddie was nominated for Mayor with Riverside and work westward! In addition, as Councillor Halberstadt has advocated, see if fixing up the old arena makes sense.

Or do something useful with the money!


David Cassive has made a mistake today in the Star, one of the few I have seen him make. I know he wants an arena: "The session, slated for later this month, should include the possibility of increasing the city's contribution as well as identifying other sources of funding that might be available to the municipality, said Cassivi."

With the Budgeteers around, the possibility of increasing the amount above $15 million is zero and with several Councillors opposed to a Racetrack arena, it will not happen unless someone like a Beztak will do it for free! If the Raceway has looked for other sources including neighbouring towns, then who can do it?

Give it up, David! There are at least 6 Councillors opposed now

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