Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Pork chops

I missed the action last night at Council. Oh I watched part of it but not everything. It just seemed so boring.

I did see Councillors Brister and Valentinis have a minor skirmish over 400 City Hall Square. Fulvio's valiant defence and Brister's snide remarks with his patented smirk but it did not seem like much.

Then there was OMERS and I found it extremely hypocritical but then again I have a vested interest.

Then the real match started and I missed it: the war between Valentinis and Brister over the traffic calming in the streets of South Windsor ie the "pork chop barriers."

I heard that the Brister's interview with Joe McParland on Joe's show after Council was even better to watch. I missed that too.

I was at City Hall today paying my taxes and a Senior Adminsitrator asked me what I thought of last night. A business person called me at home and asked me what I thought of it as did a couple of the Councillors. A media type also emailed me and blasted me in a joking manner about why I had not blogged it this morning!

Ok Ok..enough already. I'll try and watch it on replay.

It is not unexpected however. There is no unity at Council. There are personal animosities. And next week, the cabbies may come back.

This is better than anything I ever saw with STOPDRTP. Cogeco cable sales are going to go through the roof.

The moral for Eddie Francis: do not ever leave the Mayor's Chair again.

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