Friday, February 3, 2006

The Border Crisis Is Officially OVER!

In a story in the Windsor Star, Mayor Eddie Francis today confirmed what others like the Bridge Company have been saying for a very long time. There no longer is a border crisis in the Windsor/Detroit region.

Eddie stated in relation to a new stadium and a new CFL franchise:
  • "If you look at the numbers alone, we have six million people here and the border is a way of life for us, it's not an impediment"
Only a few months ago Eddie said
  • "Peterborough Examiner 03-16-2005 Delay is no longer an option on a costly new bridge to break chronic congestion at Canada's busiest border crossing, says Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis, who lobbied U.S. officials on the massive project yesterday."We need to invest today, we can't wait,"

Congratulations are in order to Matty Moroun and the Ambassador Bridge Company for building their new booths into the US and the new "insurance" booths into Canada for fixing the border for Eddie!

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