Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kwame Is The Real Border Authority

Remember what I wrote in my January 17 BLOG, "Whatever Kwame Wants, Kwame Gets"---With the Governor dependant on the Detroit Mayor for re-election, it is obvious that whatever Kwame wants, he will get.

Will Governor Granholm make the pilgrimage to the Manoogian Mansion or will the Republicans do a deal with him so that he will sit on his hands and not do anything to help the Governor?

As an aside, Eddie really hurt the City's position...Can you imagine what the Governor's hubby must have said about our dysfunctional Mayor and Council to his wife after his "Dr. Phil" session with them. It makes me shiver just to think about it

Well the Mayor's position just got stronger.
  • "Michigan Governor: Granholm Lead Disappears

    February 14, 2006--In mid-January, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) held a double digit lead in the Rasmussen Reports election poll and several other polls. Since then, the news has not been good for Michigan's economy or the incumbent.

    Ford announced major lay-offs and plant closings just before the Governor's State-of-the-State address (GM had already done the same). More job losses are projected and the Governor's speech was devoted to the issue of job loss and economic concerns. Even while promising to do her best to secure new jobs, this is difficult territory for an incumbent seeking re-election.

    Through it all, the Governor's support has fallen five points since our January poll. Support for challenger Dick DeVos has increased five points during that time and the race is now effectively even--Granholm (D) 44% DeVos (R) 43%.

    This biggest changes from January can be seen in terms of partisan support. Among Democrats, Granholm's support has fallen from 76% in January to 66% today.

    At the same time, support for DeVos among Republicans has increased from 67% to 78%."

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