Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Impossible: Agreeing With A Star Editorial

Let us agree with the Star Editorial today: "Border security: Start at the perimeter"

The gist of that Editorial is

  • "Instead of looking inward and expending energy and precious resources policing a North American border separating allies, they must begin looking outward toward a continental security perimeter...

    A North American security perimeter would encourage freeflowing trade and passage between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

If one draws the Editorial to its logical conclusion, it is advocating for a European-type Common Market where border controls within the perimeter are virtually non-existent.

With the introduction of border cards or whatever will be created for individuals, with all of the pre-clearance techniques for commercial cargo ie all of the initials like FAST , NEXUS etc, the border is becoming virtually free-flowing in practice if not officially.

What does this mean for Windsor and the border? It seems to me that our border crossings, both the Tunnel and Bridge, are becoming mere roads rather than customs clearance locations. As time passes on, fewer and fewer vehicles will be stopped. There will be no backups since there will be no checking by Customs on both sides of the border.

Again, "traffic numbers" will be irrelevant. Who cares how many vehicles are moving back and forth if the road network can handle the volume. But for the Customs, when have you ever seen a car and truck back-up on Highway 401 coming into Windsor?

It will be just like the countries in Europe or when one leaves or enters a Province or State or even when one enters or leaves a City limit: a nice sign on the highway saying "Welcome" or "Come Back Soon."

Who needs to spend billions on a new border crossing in Windsor. We just need to fix up Windsor's roads with the $300 million BIF funds! And do it now!

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