Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Spanky Update

Oh ye of little faith who think I just make uninformed guesses. From the "Blue Blogging Soapbox" blogsite:

  • "When I first blogged about Spanky, it was just a rumour on a local Windsor blog. I wasn't really putting much behind it.

    Seems like Mr. Arditti's info might be pretty valid. Word around town is that Duncan is burning up the phone lines, seeing if it's possible to build an organization and raise the money.

    I guess the thought of playing second fiddle to McGuinty doesn't appeal much to Duncan. When Sobara returns, Duncan will most likely get shuffled out of finance.

    Supposed to be a big announcement for Windsor soon regarding a full fledged Medical school, and Duncan will be the one making it. Should help raise his profile, at least provincially.

    Time will tell."

Another big name Liberal actually called me up and gave me hell for not mentioning his name too (He was kidding). I told him that I had a better idea for him: leader of Canada's Green Party. The truth is that if decided to do it, he could be our next PM in 10 years after he re-built the Party and if proportional representation is introduced!

Maybe I would get a Senate appointment!

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