Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Revoke Eddie's Library Card

Remember when Eddie read the book, "The World Is Flat," 5 times. Didn't he bring in a guru after that to speak to us about economic development?

Now we learn that he brought in the Michigan Governor's hubby at a fee of $3,000 to help Council in "leadership."

According to the Star, "Eddie likened the session to Stephen Covey's analogy of sharpening the saw. The author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People encourages readers of his book to "take time away from sawing wood and occasionally sharpen the saw," Francis said." I wonder how many times he read this book.

Taxpayers cannot afford Eddie's reading habits. You know, we cut the Seniors at Huron Lodge back $1,000 for Tylenol pills but we can afford $3,000 to suck up to the Governor's Hubby. Priceless!

Do you think that we can get Oprah to send him her selections instead?

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