Friday, February 10, 2006

Doctor Dwight

What a boost for his Liberal leadership aspirations! Dwight Duncan could not buy publicity like this. Not only are we getting a medical school but jobs: "up to 5,000 direct and 12,000 indirect jobs as health-care sector companies locate nearby, in addition to hiring at the university and local health care facilities."

This is pretty heady stuff coming out at a really good time with every single, federal, high-profile Liberal running away like a scared chicken from running for the Federal Liberal leadership. And Dwight won't care about starting low because he has nowhere to go but up. Look at what he has achieved after his political melt-down years ago. Associating with a powerful figure like Tony Toldo won't hurt Dwight either.

Locally, the announcement solidified Dwight's "control" of Windsor (We are supposed to forget now his $500 million border Gong Show non-announcement a few months ago).

My sources told me that the Mayor was at the announcement but almost "invisible" as a politician. I was told his name was barely mentioned at all by anyone. I guess Joe Comartin better worry now more about Dwight than Eddie.

I wonder how much involvement Jane Boyd, Executive Assistant to the University President, had in the setting up of the program, who would speak, seating arrangements etc. I heard it was a very exciting time.

Another Canadian politician and potential PM for Windsor. Prime Minister does have a certain ring to it doesn't it! Perhaps he will be able to cure the federal Liberals' ills with a new blood transfusion.

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