Tuesday, February 7, 2006

CFL Expansion Update

You saw the Star headline and the story on Friday: "Mayor hints at CFL bid" Wow, nothing better than capitalizing on Super Bowl excitement

CFL commissioner Tom Wright said "I've not spoken to Mayor Francis yet but I hope to have a chance while I'm here." Wright, in town for the Super Bowl festivities, said Friday. "I'm interested in speaking to any civic leader on how we can grow the game...I've heard his interest in expansion but it's pretty premature"

I am sure that Ross Paul will be pleased that "Francis says his city has a new facility at the University of Windsor that currently has a seating capacity of 4,500 but could easily have more seats added to reach the 25,000-seat target." Perhaps when Eddie's $5 milion cheque is delivered, the University President may actually speak with him.

Just to put things in its context, the Arena Football Leagues's attendance was over 12,400 people per game in 2005. However, Detroit's team, Detroit fury, had its franchise terminated in 2004.

The CFL's Toronto's 2005 average was 30,196.

If you want to read an interesting story about owning a CFL franchise, check out http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Football/CFL/Ottawa/2005/05/05/1026772.html

And someone better have a deep pocket to own a CFL franchise since the League was looking to boost league reveneues so that all CFL teams either break even or make a profit.

Of course this is all a waste of time. Commissioner Wright "believes the CFL needs a 10th franchise and teams in each region of the country." So does that mean Atlantic Canada has the edge over Quebec City to get an expansion franchise? " I see it being in Eastern Canada ... and if I had to handicap it, I'd probably say that Atlantic Canada is where we are leaning, but it's too early to say."

CFL football for Windsor....it'll take our minds off of an Arena for the Spitfires.

Spin, Spin, Spin.

Perhaps if the Mayor thought more about running the City than running a border crossing or a football team, we would all be better off!

Reread my November 1, 2005 BLOG "Toronto Stadium To Get Senior Level Funding" if you want to know why the "SNUB" is still hurting us.

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