Monday, February 6, 2006

Sunshine "Super Bowl" Dreams

You may have seen the story on A-channel television on Friday night about the young boy who received Super Bowl tickets.

From their website:

  • "Sunshine makes dreams come true Some kids can only dream of things most of us take for granted – like a week without painful treatments, running and playing with other kids, or making plans for the future. Sunshine Dreams for Kids was created so these children could live their most cherished dream.

    So far, we've fulfilled over 6,000 dreams all over Canada. But research tells us about 50,000 children in Canada would qualify medically to have a dream fulfilled. Our work has just begun, and we invite you to play a part!"
I received a copy of their Press Release about Matthew and thought I would share it with you. [Click the image to increase its size]

It seems that for some, Super Bowl is more than just commercialism.

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