Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Woodstock At Council

Clearly there was a "Love-In" at Council last night.

No it is not that they hate so and so's guts because of the attitude expressed by that person or the class warfare or the put-downs in camera, no it was all due to the tensions caused by the budget deliberations that this Council temporarily lost their sanity and became dysfunctional.

Now that the savers vs. spenders fight is all over we can get back to normalcy.

Those of us who know what Council is like and the real, personal animosities amongst members had our stomachs turned as we listened to what was said in the Budget wrap-up speches. I am sure that the Administrators who have sent out their resumes already looking for another job must have had difficulty in holding back the laughter.

However, I am not going to make some cynical remark. Let's see how long peace and harmony last.

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