Thursday, February 9, 2006

And The DRIC Winner Is

Here is another exclusive scoop from the Blogmeister. No matter what is said and however it is played out eg we need to do reports for another 18 months to do all the studies required, DRIC has made its choice for the border crossing location and where the plaza will go. It was revealed Wednesday at DRIC's Community Consultation Group meeting.

The West End loses out again notwithstanding the hard work of their two Councillors, Postma and Jones in trying to convince DRIC otherwise. Where their colleagues were while this was going on is a question that should be asked. I hear that instead of being assisted by some of their colleagues, they were scolded and criticized in camera for daring to even talk to DRIC.

  • Ambassador Gateway Plaza is not acceptable
  • The likely bridge crossing and plaza area is Livernois/Dragoon in the US and Sterling Fuels in Canada
  • The likely Canadian Plaza is CC2 in their materials (Ojibway Parkway, E.C. Row Expressway, Malden Road and Armanda Road/Broadway Avenue.)
  • Brighton Beach is out since it is too small and the bridge location is such that there are problems with the 1 km landing
  • Tunneling has major problems with cost, soil conditions, water table.

Notwithstanding West End concerns such as the relocation of both Sterling Fuels and a gravel yard, Indian burial grounds, sulpher baths near the site and other environmental concerns, having 2 bridges so close together, their concerns did not seem to matter.

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