Friday, February 10, 2006

Mister "Governor" Mom

I feel bad for the Mayor. Can you imagine what may happen if the Detroit media get ahold of the story about the husband of Governor Granholm, Daniel Granholm Mulhern, working for the City of Windsor.

In case the Governor's husband has second thoughts about coming, if the US media get involved, I do not want Council's Strategy session to fall apart. We do not have to go outside of Canada to find a person who can do the job. We do not have to get a person who might embroil the City in a controversy.

May I suggest a replacement. Glenn Pothier, who is a Canadian living in Oakville, has been the outside facilitator for the CCG groups for DRIC in this area. He is the President of GLPi. It is his job to be the "referee" at the meetings and to keep them under control. Not only has he done an excellent job but he also does leadership training courses too for major corporations in Canada.

I am certain that Glenn, with a whip and chair in hand if necessary, could handle the Councillors

I think the Mayor and CAO may want to reconsider what they have asked Mulhern to do. After all, he is an "at-home dad" and we are taking him away from his three kids ....well, he would be with eleven other "children" who need help so maybe it is not so bad!

Here is a story about him that I found on Family and Home Network .

“... I have a relationship with my children that I wouldn’t trade for a million-dollar job...” --Daniel Mulhern

  • Michigan recently elected its first female governor, Jennifer M. Granholm. Her qualifications for the governor’s office include an honor’s degree from Harvard Law School, a 98 percent conviction rate as a federal prosecutor in Detroit, a stint as Michigan’s Attorney General where she established the state’s first High Tech Crime Unit, and being the mother of three young children. As people celebrated her inauguration, they wondered how to address her husband, Daniel G. Mulhern. While titles such as “first man,” “first gentleman,” and “first spouse” were considered, Mr. Mulhern was already getting comfortable with an unofficial title: at-home dad.

    During an interview with CNN’s Paula Zahn on January 17, 2003, Mulhern spoke eloquently about his role as primary caregiver to his three children ages five, eleven and thirteen and what made him decide to leave the workplace. “Well, this is just a huge challenge for Jennifer and for the people of the state of Michigan, and we’re partners. And I thought the best thing I could do is to make it my number one priority to be behind her, to support her, care for her and to support my kids.”

    In addition to caring for his own children, he is continuing the work of Michigan’s former first lady Michelle Engler by working on the Mentor Michigan program, which recruits adults to mentor children who have had a light brush with the law. Mulhern, who has taught leadership at several universities and is working on a book about character and leadership, reflected on his new role at home, “This is just a shift. It’s still leadership, just in a different domain.” He recently led a conference for men married to high-profile women and men fulfilling non-traditional roles. When asked about the conference Mulhern stated, “The biggest lesson...was that it wasn’t about sacrifice..., but this incredible opportunity that men have in this era that our fathers didn’t have because of the economic and social expectations that were laid on them.”

    While Mulhern takes pride in his wife’s new role as governor, he finds satisfaction in raising their children. “I mean I’m sitting next to the most talented leader I think I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been an executive coach, worked with a lot of people. To be able to savor and celebrate that success is extraordinary. And I have a relationship with my children that I wouldn’t trade for a million-dollar job, to be president of Microsoft. I wouldn’t give it away. I just wouldn’t.” [Daniel Mulhern pens a weekly opinion column on the Internet (, coaches his two daughters’ basketball teams, and tries to keep up with his five-year-old son.]

Oh my goodness, does this mean Windsor taxpayers are paying him so much money for the seminar to take him away from home! No wonder there is no money for seniors for Tylenol tablets at Huron Lodge.

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