Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Dysfunctional Council

Why is this Council failing where the previous one succeeded?

Yup, you heard me correctly. Our old, much-maligned Council had a solid 7-3 majority making the right decisions for Windsor while this Council is incapable of being consistent on the same issue from vote to vote. The classic example is the votes on the Site Plan approval for the new booths for the Bridge Co. It was supported unanimously by Council when they endorsed Schwartz in secret. However, when votes went public, the first time, 2 Councillors flip-flopped and, the second time, the flip-floppers were joined by a third colleague.

In the end, it comes down to people. We had a Charlie Hotham who had the guts to stare down a tough Mayor and demand a vote in March, 2003 that changed the face of Windsor forever. We had the “old” Eddie Francis and Fulvio Valentinis tag-team who could assume a positive role around which the other Councillors could align themselves. Finally, we had a Bill Marra who had the Council experience and who was capable of dealing with the various factions on Council to bring them together as needed, the perfect conciliator, so they could work together in unity for the good of Windsor. Who are their equivalents now?

Sure they were called “dysfunctional” by those that were opposed to the good decisions they made. But Windsor stood firm and tall with them in charge with everyone but the people against them. They made it easy for the new Mayor and Council.

I am raising this issue because again I am totally confused by what this Mayor and Council are doing with the border. Is it any wonder that Windsor is not taken seriously any more. Let me present the flip-flop evidence.
  1. They were elected to find a long-term solution and rallied instead for the billion-dollar short-term Schwartz dream
  2. The people elected on an "open and transparent" government platform have never allowed the people to speak on the border issue
  3. Their major campaign to sell Schwartz flopped, a waste of time and money
  4. The Schwartz Report really was nothing more than a mere "starting point" because the Senior Levels asked us to present something. Never mind that Council "endorsed" it.
  5. If they had a PLAN, it would be nice to see it finally.
  6. The Schwartz Report offered a Route #3 that was endorsed unanimously but Mayor Francis and Councillor Valentinis seem to have disowned it looking for a road through vacant or agricultural lands
  7. The people who ignored Talbot Road before are now their champions as those residents are being played again

The Mayor and Council have no friends. Their "snub" hurt Windsor with the Senior Levels. This is clearly demonstrated by the Cansult Report prepared for the Feds which ended the Horseshoe Road and the Provincial appointment of Steve Salmons (What a slap in the face to Eddie!). Detroiters only think of Windsor as cleaners of snow at the Super Bowl thanks to Kwame's remarks and Eddie as the head of "Sin City" after Eddie almost helped cause Kwame to lose the election. But I am sure that the $3,000 in the Michigan Governor's hubby's bank account means that he will like us at least.

It is time that the Mayor and Council regroup. It is not too late for them to take some positive action. If the Mayor will not listen to his Councillors, then the Councillors must disown the Mayor for the good of Windsor----as they did with ex-Mayor Hurst!

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