Friday, February 3, 2006

Now It's The CFL Dream

I have one line to use, especially when I hear talk that the new stadium at the University can be increased to 25,000 seats so a new CFL football team can play there


Did I miss the story that said that the existing stadium had been paid off through the receipt of funding from someone? Did I miss the story where the City was actually going to pay the $5 million to the University as ex-Mayor Hurst hoped that Council might do? Did I miss the story where the University and City could agree on the University going to the Cleary?

I think that Eddie has been around too many footballs this week and has caught pigskin fever! He cannot build an arena and now we are talking about CFL franchises and a new stadium.


You know what this is all about don't you? The Arena is to be discussed at Council on Monday. Unfortunately, this BLOG broke the story too early so damage control was needed. First an Editorial in the Star calling on the County to help pay for an arena, then Councillor Cassivi saying the arena is alive and finally Councillor Halberstadt saying the arena is still alive.

Wait until you hear about a joint stadium/arena complex at the University

I only have one more thing to say about this.


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