Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fight Night At Council

We never had this much fun at Council when the STOPDRTPers were there in full force.

I am not going to say much about what happened last night when the taxi drivers were at Council. It was a shameful performance. Either the Mayor should have allowed the Union rep to finish or he should not have allowed him to speak in the first place. Trying to use the Procedural By-law and invoking Democracy while the union gentleman was in full flight made little sense except for the theatrics.

If it was designed to show how tough the Mayor is by having him stare down the drivers, it failed. If it was designed to let the Mayor show how hard he was working to solve the dispute, it also failed.

However, what was interesting to me is that the Mayor said that there was a two-year study by consultants at a cost of $60,000 I believe on the taxi industry. Their report had just been issued and would take 6-8 weeks for Administration to review before it came to Council.

Imagine that, TWO YEARS to do a study. And then two more months at Administration.

I am sure that timetable makes sense to an Administration that takes a month to review a one-page letter from the Raceway on the Arena. However, it probably does not to people who have been on strike for several weeks and have to feed their families!

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