Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More On Cogeco

I had a meeting with Cogeco's Programming and Community Relations Manager and the Producer of Mandal's Media Mix this morning to clarify what had happened to my interview on Cable 11. As you know it was bumped first on December 21, not shown on December 25 and then not shown again on January 8 although advertised on air. It was however broadcast since I know others have seen it but I am not sure when.

It was explained to me that there was a technical "glitch" on the 8th. Since the station is not staffed 24 hours a day, the technical person is able to correct problems from home. That person did not have the schedule and must have put on the wrong Mandal interview show I was told.

As I had posted, the show was to have been broadcast on January 15 as well. I was told at the meeting for the first time that it was definitely now not going to be shown then since a "more timely" show was going to be broadcast dealing with the Auto Show. (My show is now scheduled to be broadcast on January 18 at 8PM. I only found this out when a reader of the Blog contacted Cogeco and was given this new date)

As for those who saw the show, I was told that it must have been seen late at night when they rebroadcast their shows (I did point out though that it had never been broadcast!)

I was scolded for not contacting the Manager to allow him to find out what happened before posting my Blog although I did contact him and the Producer and left a message for both. He was quite offended at any suggestion that there was a "conspiracy" about my interview and absolutely denied it.

I told him that the concern I had was my credibility with readers of this BLOG. I asked him if he could imagine how completely foolish I would have looked if it had been bumped again on the 15th after I had posted about it again! The Producer said that my "advertising" of the show was unusual and they would not normally tell interviewees about changes in schedule.

So that is the story. I promised the Manager that I would post this BLOG about our meeting. See you on air on the 18th!

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