Tuesday, January 3, 2006

CODA And The Kids

What's the matter with the Windsor Star? Was there no space in the paper for such an important story because of all of the holiday advertisements? Were all of the reporters away on early vacations?

Oh my goodness: "Schools at risk." I am sure that you saw the front page story about the School Board wanting "cash [from the Federal Government] for six new schools if the new border crossing cuts through the heart of West Windsor."

Why I am so angry is that the meeting took place in mid-December. If it was that vital that it is the main story on the front page, why wasn't it reported earlier?

Ahhhh, here's the key. "The education of thousands of children will be affected if these roads aren't put in the proper place."

And where might the roads go? Forget the Horseshoe and Ring roads--"Talbot and Huron Church Roads will be the feeder routes carrying truck traffic to a new crossing."

And what about that big DRIC plaza in West Windsor? "...if a bridge is built in historic Sandwich, General Brock and Marlborough elementary schools and Forster secondary school would be wiped out by a 95-acre customs plaza." [An upset mom in Ward 2 told me the gossip about Brock and Marlborough closing anyway so DRIC gives the Board a perfect excuse to do so and to close Forster and save Harrow Collegiate!]

Then there is Trustee Beth Cooper sounding like Councillor Valentinis: "...you haven't listened to anything we've said?' What do I have to do to get them to listen?"

The headline is so obvious...Now it's a "kids" issue! It is the start of the frenzy so that the Mayor can be our Champion over Sandwich and the roads as he discussed on the FACE-to-FACE show. If the story was published in mid-December, it would have been forgotten by now.

It is all part of the build-up for Schwartz and CODA that will help the Mayor and Councillors get re-elected. They have to show that they are doing something.

For those that are curious, I'll tell you all about CODA tomorrow.

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