Friday, January 27, 2006

Famous Words

I thought I would post a few interesting comments by different people about different things over different time-periods.

I told you that Kwame "owns" Michigan for the time being at least!

January 25, 2006. Part of Governor Granholm's State of the State speech:

"Granholm acknowledged Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick in the audience, saying: "The entire state needs and wants Detroit to be successful. We all have to work together to see it happen. So to those who practice the politics of division, who would drive a wedge between the city and the state, let me say this: The only thing that should come between Detroit and Michigan is a comma. Period."

Who else told us to "Think Big"

02/03/2004. Ex-Michigan Governeor and ex-Us Ambassador to Canada James Blanchard:

"Well I haven’t sat down and spent enough time to think about what is it our goals should be with U.S.-Canada Relations these days... Whatever it is, it ought to be fixed. We ought to think big. And this is probably a good time because the United States is in the process of renewing its relationships with every country and Canada is a logical place. Not a logical place--it’s a start ... Think big.

The Americans will make the border decisions

July 30, 1988 Then Councillor and ex-Mayor John Millson.

"Detroit is going to do what it wants to do and we have to accept that...As much as Canadians might want to fool ourselves into thinking we have some control over the United States, we don't."

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