Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Windsor Budget Fables

Oh come on, we do not have any financial woes in Windsor. I am shocked that we do not have a Triple "A" rating from Standard and Poors frankly. It's just those politicians playing games to make it appear that they are working hard to keep our taxes down.

Last night at Council was hilarious. I actually agreed with Councillors Gignac and Brister who voted against giving to the CAW their tax break. I guess "to err is human" does not apply in an election year. I wonder what kind of precedent Council has set.

And if that was not strange enough, there were the so-called spenders, Councillors Zuk and Postma, voting against giving the Detroit Auto Show US$12,500 for sponsoring a dinner and some TV screen advertising (I did not see that item on the Council agenda posted online.) But it's OK....Council approved it.

So we have money to burn here...all kinds of slush funds, errrrrrrrr Reserve funds, so Councillors can find the money to spend and not collect whenever they choose. I am so relieved

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