Monday, January 9, 2006

More Super Bowl "XXX"L Fall-Out

Who expected the Detroit media story about Windsor as "Sin City" to start getting a life of its own. Below is a story out of Denver.

I had this one other horrible thought. Can you imagine the negative publicity if the Budweiser Super Bowl "tailgate" train has problems. I remember the bad old days of college football when I was in University in Toronto when students used to go by train from Toronto to Kingston. There were always problems.

I expect the more than 500 people travelling to Windsor for the Budweiser party won't be drinking just tea and coffee if the TV ad is right! What if the train never makes it past London or a whole bunch of people are ejected for disorderly conduct!

Oh a big black eye on the horizon?

A Super Bowl of sin with CU cheerleaders?

By Bill Husted
Denver Post Staff Columnist

The Broncos may not go to the Super Bowl in Detroit, but Colorado may still be represented.

Former Denver Post reporter Louis Aguilar, now with The Detroit News, recently wrote that Super Bowl fans will most likely cross the border in droves to find Sin City in Windsor, Ontario. Unlike Detroit, Windsor sells Cuban cigars, sex for money and has all-nude strip clubs.

Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis is understandably upset, but strip-club owners love the publicity. Renaldo Agostino, PR rep for four all-nude clubs in Windsor, has gone on national Canadian TV and specifically mentioned that University of Colorado cheerleaders have applied to be dancers with "The Windsor Ballet," a.k.a. Cheetah's.

Agostino told me that he has received e-mail from the cheerleaders and is corresponding with the young women. He wants them onstage. "They're beautiful girls!" he says.

CU sports-information guy Dave Plati doesn't believe it. "Everyone here is under the impression that there is no way that would happen. And if so, whoever would actually volunteer and go do that, thinking they're representing us, would no longer be representing us. They would be suspended from the squad."

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