Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The New Federal Liberal Leader

There is no doubt that the Liberal Party is in trouble. Imagine, neither John Manley nor Frank McKenna want to be the leader of the Party that has been the Government in Canada except when we have had a foolish, temporary lapse and elected PCs.

The Liberals have always been able to re-vitalize and re-invent themselves and then get re-elected. So if those two won't run, who might. A CTV news story identified former public works minister Scott Brison; recently elected Liberal MP Michael Ignatieff; former cabinet minister Belinda Stronach; and former Newfoundland premier Brian Tobin.

Let's see now a newcomer, 2 former Conservatives and a fellow who hasn't been active in politics, publicly at least, for years (and was a Senior Advisor for Borealis Capital!). Is this the best that the Liberals can do? Shocking!

Well the Party needs help. Had Eddie run federally, he would have been a long-shot choice for leader but his Eminence Grise would have built excitement around him with his Super Bowl reputation and all of the connections he made. He would not have won obviously but a Cabinet position would have been guaranteed. That would have formed his base for the next time around. However, by dithering (ooops a fault of Liberals), Eddie took the conservative way out and did not run.

Another possible choice given Ontario's huge number of seats and his urban connection is Premier Dalton McGuinty. Presumably the thinking goes, he could hold the base of the Party and build on it. BUT, he is Premier of the "Fiberals" isn't he? He has to live down the reputation of breaking promises. He may not even be re-elected provincially the way things are going and with John Tory around. So I think he is out.

I could list some others but in the end, there is only one person. From a "pathetic political meltdown," he re-established his career and was promoted to two of the toughest Cabinet jobs in Ontario: Minister of Energy and Finance. He would continue the Windsor political tradition of Paul Martin Sr. and Jr., Mark McGuigan and Herb Gray. As a friend of his told me, why the heck do you think he learned how to speak French---to be Premier of Ontario!

The man for the leadership of the Liberal Party and the next Prime Minister of Canada---is Windsor's own Spanky, Dwight Duncan!

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