Friday, September 14, 2007

WUC INQUIRY Media Advisory

And you thought that the WUC matter had been buried! How wrong you are.

It is clear that very few at City Hall have understood the depths of anger that this issue has caused. Not only is it the huge increases but it is the appearance of trying to prevent the facts from coming out.

Does anyone know where this will lead....are the sewers next as the Minister suggested in his about Enwin and the role it plays in this?

Obviously there has to be something new about to be disclosed or there would be no need for a press conference. What that will be remains to be seen.

I noticed one interesting expression in the media advisory "no alternative but to take the appropriate action." That is the polite way of saying some kind of legal action might be taken!

I expect that some may have a restless weekend wondering what is the next step!
If you have time, come out and watch. It's at lunch time and there is a nice park nearby. Don't you want to see the site of Windsor's next museum and Family Destination spot while you are there!

NOTICE OF Press Conference

Windsor, Ontario, September 14, 2007


Chris Schnurr will be holding a press conference to outline the reasons why he is demanding that a full financial, business and operational investigation into the affairs of the Windsor Utilities Commission take place instead of what appears to be a narrowed scope financial audit designed merely to provide assurances to the public that the rate increases are warranted.

"Citizens of Windsor have been completely shut out of the process by all levels of Government," Schnurr points out. "We have had changing and conflicting stories being fed to us for too long by our leaders. What appears to be the proposed solution is completely unsatisfactory and will not lead to uncovering the truth about what has taken place."

There has been a major controversy surrounding the Windsor Utilities Commission and the huge financial burden being placed on taxpayers. Our elected leaders must stop "playing games," using the Mayor's terms, and step forward to support an immediate and full investigation. If they continue to refuse to do so, then there is no alternative but to take the appropriate action to ensure that Windsorites learn the true facts.

Taxpayers need to be able to make an informed judgment as to who bears responsibility for the fiasco and what action needs to be taken to mitigate the financial hardship.

WHERE: The Junction
1200 University Ave. W.
Windsor, ON

WHEN: Monday, September 17, 2007, 12:15 PM

WHO: Chris Schnurr and fellow Windsorites

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