Thursday, September 13, 2007

Public Authority Indictment

Oh my goodness. No wonder the Star ignored Brian Masse's meeting last night.

If I did not know any better I would think that Brian had seen the error of his ways and was really supporting the private enterprise Bridge Company. The things that Brian and his speakers from the Blue Water Bridge and Peace Bridge put forward helped the Bridge Co. so much that the cause of a public bridge and bridge authority was put back dramatically!

In fact, one close observer of the border issue suggested to me that Brian should have checked the speaker's speeches in advance! The answers to audience questions were not that helpful either.

There was a good crowd, probably 150. Unfortunately most probably thought it was a "DRIC" meeting rather than a "governance" meeting from questions asked. What a disappointment for many but hey, Brian got his photo-op and his interview on A-Channel News so the night was a success for him.

We heard first from Chuck Chrapko from the Blue Water Bridge. Amongst his zingers, were such comments as:
  • Expects traffic to double over the next 30 years (I thought the BWB was around its previous volume high in the late 1990's an d had not gone much higher since)

  • They built a twinned span (Gasps for breath...he said the word "twin" and the ground did not shake)

  • Once the twinned span was built, they rehabilitated the old (exactly what the Bridge Co. wants to do)

  • I believe it was his bridge that had 3 lanes across the river including one lane for FAST and NEXXUS vehicles to speed them on their way (exactly what the Bridge Co. wants to do)

  • The new span was built right beside the old one rather than downriver since that is where the highway to the border was (Isn't that the case in Windsor with the road to the Ambassador Bridge which has been the road to the border for about 80 years)

Then Ron Rienas from the Peace Bridge spoke and included in his remarks what a Public Authority here should look like. Of course some of us know that the PBA and the Bridge Co. are battling over a new crossing in the Buffalo area but I do not remember him mentioning that at the session:

  • To his credit, he admitted that back-ups were due Customs reasons (What was weird was that Huron Church was jammed up by 7 PM when the meeting started but all cleared up by 8:30 when the session ended. Clearly, whatever happened with Customs, again, was solved)

  • His Authority is an international compact entity which he claims is not subject to the laws of Canada or the US or the Province or State (except for health and safety but they "voluntarily" agree to comply with certain statutes. Wish I had the power to decide which laws apply to me)

  • Tolls are lower than here (Sure they used Government money under the BIF for their plaza rather than toll monies)

  • He said a Windsor Authority should have the right to expropriate property (I won't even comment on that power)

  • The Authority should be run like a business (say, like the private Ambassador Bridge)

  • Must have the right to set own tolls (since it is beholden to its bondholders, htey have to be more important than users or the public)

  • Its "tax-free"status means, in effect, that all taxpayers pay for the operation and not just users.

  • The Authority built a lovely riverwalk since they "encroached" on the community (Didn't the Bridge Co. want to do something similar with the University's Green Corridor group but was rejected by Council)

  • He did not like the references that I and others keep making about a FHWA report saying the Ambassador Bridge was the best border operation and that others should learn from it (Sour grapes perhaps because his operation did so poorly in comparison)
Greg Ward of the Truck Ferry was supposed to speak but although he was in the audience, he did not say anything.

I wonder if Brain had the guts to invite Dan Stamper of the Bridge Co. to appear and give a talk too so that people could get a different point of view about private operators. Naaaawwwww he would not do that. Why confuse people with facts, especially those that do not prove your case.

Good to see that Councillor Jones was there to hear all of these negatives about Public Authorities. Perhaps now he can vote for the Green Corridor initiative with the Bridge Co.

Councillor Dilkens came for a few minutes but could not stay since he had a Convention and Vistors Bureau meeting to attend. I wonder what function in Detroit they are going to sponsor with thousands of dollars in taxpayer money next. Those US functions are so much more fun than family-oriented Buskers Festivals in Windsor.

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