Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just Some Silliness

Just a few ideas that made me chuckle


How else to explain the fact that 2 full Henderson columns were devoted to Larry Horwitz within 2 weeks.

The second appearance was the column devoted to the downtown, another one in the series where Larry talks about how Windsor can be so much better but nothing happens

The first was about Larry's trip to Vegas where he met with Pam at a magic show. She was working with illusionist Hans Klok.

Now I suspect that Pam taught Larry a thing or two about magic and he passed it on to Gord. How else can one explain the disappearance of the WUC matter from Gord's columns. Why he just made the issue vanish into the air.


Is the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget, the one who does not read BLOGs, so jealous of his Ward mate that he has to embarrass him at Council publicly?

I wondered why Councillor Brister was just raising this issue about the trip to Japan now. He was a member of the budget operating committee of Council that approved the expenditure for the trip back in the spring. What has changed so dramatically in our economic distress that the Councillor has to raise the issue at this time, a few weeks before the trip was to take place?

The Japanese apparently believe that the relationship with the City of Windsor has some value. Apparently, almost 2 dozen people came from Japan as part of their delegation earlier in the summer. Just so that the Councillor does not get apoplexy, the City of Windsor only had to pay the costs for a few of these delegates.

As I understand it, the Host City pays for meals and hotels etc. while the City that pays a visit is responsible for the air travel.

Obviously, the Councillor has no interest in developing a relationship with Japanese companies that might be interested in doing economic development in Windsor. Doesn't he understand that relationship building is fundamental to getting new business in the City from organizations in Japan.

Is the Councillor really that jealous that he doesn't have a ticket to Japan or is there really something more behind all this? As you know, at City Council, nothing as it seems to be.


Was Councillor Big Cheese so angry at her Ward Mate that she stormed out of the meeting at Council.

As you may know, Councillor Jones forced a tie on the vote to tear down an old garage in Sandwich and to build a new one. Under the City's rules, if there is a tie than the motion is lost.

Apparently Councillor Postma was a big supporter of the resident and must have been so angry that she couldn't face her Councillor colleagues anymore that evening.

What I found very interesting about all this matter is that the Ambassador Bridge dominated the conversation at Council even though no one from the Bridge Company was in attendance.

Make the Bridge Company the enemy again and use them to justify Council not acting
  • "It would be pretty hard to distinguish why one can proceed in the face of others being turned down," Wilkki said."

In other words, the Bridge Company would be able to sue the city of Windsor for bad faith.

I wonder what would've happened if Eddie Francis was in attendance, but he wasn't. Would he have broken the tie or not voted at all so he could not be blamed for anything.

I must admit that I was surprised the way that Council Jones voted. Wasn't he the fellow that said that there was this out-of-town developer who wanted to come into Sandwich because he was so excited about the location? Well kill that dream! Which developer, out-of-town or otherwise, would want to do anything in Sandwich when it is now clear that the interim control bylaws will be extended for another year and Council is afraid to do anything.

If this is not stifling development in the City of Windsor and in Sandwich, in particular then I don't know what is.


Can you believe it. The mayor did not attend the council meeting on Monday night.

I wonder where he actually traveled. Did he go to Toronto, New York, or some other exotic location to meet with his outside experts on the tunnel matter. Don't consultants normally come to the client and not the other way around? Isn't that what happened in the past? I am sure that he will justify the fact that he went to them to save travel expenses. But you know what, I would really like to know where he went and went with him.

Those consultants must be really busy. The only day of the week that he could meet with them was on a Monday so we had to miss the council meeting.

Poor Eddie, he did not have to break the tie vote on the garage issue. He did not have to give any explanation about the Tunnel Plaza improvements and how much extra it was going to cost. No one had the opportunity to discuss with him the issues raised at the earlier press conference by Chris Schnurr. And finally, he did not have to discuss the issue with respect to conflict of interest. That seemed to have been a concern to him previously but now after his new legal opinion, it apparently is not a concern.

Whew, some people sure are lucky!

PS. We now learn he went to NYC. I wonder if the Chair of the Windsor Airport flew from Windsor or from Detroit. I wonder who went with him and when the Windsor delegation left.

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