Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Halberstadt's Biz-X Article

If you think that Eddie and Alan are having a feud now, just wait until people have read the Biz X article that Alan wrote after he interviewed John Tofflemire.

If you have not seen it yet, run out and get a copy of the September edition of Biz X magazine or take a look at it on its website. You may also click the image to see it better. (Thanks to Deborah Jones, Publisher of BizX to allow me post a copy of the article here),

To make matters even worse for City Hall, Dan Stamper of the Ambassador Bridge has a big article in the same edition as well "AMBASSADOR BRIDGE PREPA R E S FOR SECOND SPAN."

Here are a few of the choice quotes that come via the magazine that may cause the steam to rise at City Hall:
  • People actually communicate, without using gold-plated lawyers and political broadsides, in the Tomato Capital.
  • ...things tend to get done in a timely fashion....He recollected, somewhat longingly, that things used to be that way in Windsor.
  • Until Windsor extends Lauzon Parkway to the 401, “you are just talking through your hat,” when you rhapsodize about a transportation hub, he scoffs. And unless several other “huge” issues start rectifying themselves, the entire concept will remain “stuck in the mud.”
  • [RE trucks on E C Row] “What everyone seems not to understand is that 50 percent of the (cross-border) trucks have a Windsor origin,” he says. “Why don’t we service ourselves first?”
  • the multi-million dollar servicing of the lands, which Windsor annexed from the county in 2003, became severely constrained by budget shortfalls, and non-action on Lauzon Parkway.

Nice to see that John is alive and well and living in Leamington. He has a very nice arena there too that he showed me some time ago that Windsor should have looked at but then again, it did not cost mega-millions to build. And I bet that John was very pleased to do the interview with Alan.

Let's see now, Alan and I both write BLOGs. He writes a column on politics for BizX which hits the business crowd while I write one for Upfront magazine which targets the 25-40 year olds.

Yup, the Mayor and Councillors better worry since between the two of us, we cover just about everyone!

And it looks like Bloggers in Windsor like to speak their own mind. I guess that means I won't get invited to any Vu parties.

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