Friday, September 21, 2007

A Windsor Council Quiz Show

Oh goodie

I can just feel another job for the Governor's Hubby, Dan Mulhern, coming up. Several thousand more Windsor taxpayer dollars to be spent because Councillors are immature and dysfunctional and lack a leader as Mayor. {Sigh} As the Star wrote:

  • "A rift on city council was laid bare last Monday when a bid to seek an Ontario auditor general probe of local utilities was shot down. Allegations of conflict of interest were raised and one councillor called another a liar."

That rift has been around for ages and is nothing more than the split that never healed with the last Council. Oh Eddie tried to maintain unity---rally behind Schwartz, use a tunnel for re-election, the arena to show they were doing something. Since he is lame-duck and Councillors are lining themselves for their future, what else can one expect but friction. The shock is that not even one year of this Council has gone by and it is falling apart.

If Eddie's numbers were still strong, then Councillors could still hide behind him. After all, almost 78% of voters voted for him for Mayor just last November. In a poll on the Angus Reid site that people are invited to go to, Eddie's numbers have crashed by over 40%. Of course this poll is not "scientific" and we do not know a lot about it but the numbers are bad considering who has gone there and hardly something to inspire Councillors to stay loyal.

Just watch over the next few weeks as Council blocks are formed; this happened in the last year of the Hurst mayoral term. In numbers there is security. What happened to Mike is happening to Eddie right now.

To help you pass a bit of time while you are enjoying your break, I put forward for your pleasure a short quiz. Guess which member of Council fits the description as we play:


  1. Which MEMBER will become the Council leader

  2. Which MEMBER is the biggest disappointment

  3. Which MEMBER has the most potential

  4. Which MEMBER is the most disruptive

  5. Which MEMBER is the biggest bore

  6. Which MEMBER has lost big time

  7. Which MEMBER just takes up space

  8. Which MEMBER may not finish this term in office

  9. Which MEMBER is positioning to be the next Mayor

  10. Which MEMBER plays all sides

  11. Which MEMBER lip-syncs questions

  12. Which MEMBER works the hardest

  13. Which MEMBER is the biggest joke

  14. Which MEMBER is waiting for the next shoe to drop

  15. Which 2 Ward Councillors get along the best

  16. Which 2 Ward Councillors get along the worst

The answers----well the questions are based on comments I have heard from people in the Community with whom I speak. As you can tell, they are not too complimentary. There is no right answer. You fill in the blanks for yourself.

All I can hope is that the last Council meeting was a wake-up call to those whom we elected. We have serious issues that need resolution. Not even the Governor's Hubby can help with that!

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