Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Private Enterprise vs. Public Authority

I am upset now. I send out my BLOG email every day to Brian Masse. But when he sends out a "Dear friends" email, I do NOT receive a copy as one of the first recipients.

I finally received mine around midnight last night after several of my friends had already sent me a copy.

I guess I am no longer that good a friend, dear or otherwise.

Anyway, bruised feelings aside, you ought to go out to his session to hear the stories about why a Public Authority can run border crossings so much better than the operators of the private Ambassador Bridge.

Why they run such good ones that the "the Ontario Ministry of Transportation has set up six portable toilets along Highway 402" for people waiting to cross the Blue Water Bridge. "

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Masse, MP"
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: INVITATION: Public Border Meeting Wednesday September 12, 2007

September 10, 2007

Dear friends,

As the border crossing issues continue in Windsor, and the selection of new routes and crossing locations are being devised, I thought it might be an appropriate time to share with you again the important information about public border authorities.

Because of the pressing need to make the right decisions for Windsor in this process, I am writing to invite you to a town hall meeting on the issue of a public border authority that I am holding this Wednesday evening, September 12, 2007, at the Holiday Inn Select at 1855 Huron Church Road. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. and I have three guest speakers who will highlight the importance of border authorities. Light refreshments will be provided.

Ron Rienas from the Peace Bridge, Chuck Chrapko of the Blue Water Bridge, and Gregg Ward of the Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry Company, will all be on hand to answer your questions and concerns and to share their viewpoints from their respective crossings.

I invite you to come out, ask questions and learn from the experts what public border authorities are, how they work, and why Windsor should pursue this as we make the final decisions for our next border crossing.

I look forward to seeing you there. This information is also available on my website at www.brianmasse.ca. Please feel free to call my Windsor office for more information at (519) 255-1631 or e-mail me at masse.b@parl.gc.ca.

Yours truly,

Brian Masse, MP
Windsor West

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