Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Health Alert: SMEARITIS Pandemic

The Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta has issued an alert to US Customs at the Windsor/Detroit border crossings to turn back any person living in Ward 4 in Windsor and in the Provincial riding of Windsor-Tecumseh.

If the person lives in both areas, then a Hazmat team must be called out immediately because they may be carrying a contagious disease called SMEARITIS.

Apparently, health investigators have tracked the disease to drinking water produced by the Windsor Utilitites Commission, some of whose business operations are conducted by Enwin. Its symptoms are quite serious. It allows politicians to mouth off and to speak gibberish without using their brains.

They believe that SMEARITIS may be a variation of the well-known FOOT-IN-MOUTH disease

It has impacted negatively already two prominent politicians in Windsor, WUC Chair and City Councillor Ken Lewenza Jr. and MPP and Minister of Energy Dwight Duncan. The Ontario Energy Board that regulates Enwin reports on administrative matters to the Ontario legislature through the Minister of Energy.

The CDC gave as an example their comments on the WUC matter and W.ACT's founder:
  • Lewenza: "The reality is he [Chris Schnurr] ran for city council last term and was unsuccessful and certainly he would like to carry this issue as long as he possibly can." According to Melanie Deveau, he said that Chris Schnurr is "irrelevant" and Bloggers have "no credibility."

  • Duncan on CKLW: "Duncan meantime is backing an audit of the Windsor Utilities Commission by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. That despite a call by a local group for a full-scale inquiry by the Auditor General. Chris Schnurr and his Association of Concerned Taxpayers made the request on Monday, but Duncan questions his motives.

    Duncan: “Unlike Mr. Schnurr and his Conservative friends, we don’t believe the provincial government should just go in for the purposes of beating up municipalities. They’re elected officials at the municipal level, ah, by unanimous resolution, they have as I understand it, they’ve asked us and we’ve complied with their request.”

    Duncan says the Auditor General has endorsed an audit by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs."

It will be interesting to hear what Windsor's other MPP and Cabinet Minister has to say about this subject and whether she too will try and smear Schnurr.

The WUC matter is growing and growing in scope. I wonder how W.ACT will react. If I know the people involved, W.ACT already has a master plan to cover every eventuality, smears being an obvious contingency!

The Provincial election may become interesting after all in Windsor if the Opposition parties can figure out how to use what is being said.

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