Monday, September 10, 2007

There's A Border Authority Meeting Here Soon

Just to let you know, Brian Masse will have a discussion about public ownership and border authorities on September 12, 2007 at 7PM at Holiday Inn Select - 1855 Huron Church Rd featuring representatives from other border authorites.

I have written about Public Authorities before so it should be interesting to see how Brian addresses all of their negatives.

What is interesting about the Authorities that I have quoted before is how much they wanted to give the impression that they were acting like private enterprise companies in how they operated. I guess they were trying to follow the Ambassador Bridge model to try to become better border operators since the Bridge Co. is the best in North America.

Now Brian wanted politicians sitting on those Authorities. I guess he would expect to be one of the appointees too as the MP for the area. Hey, why not...he is just copying what Windsor Councillors do. He was one before he became an MP too.

I wonder what his salary would be as a Board member and would it be on top of his MP salary? Would he get a pension too from it?

And speaking of Authorities, didn't Steve Tobocman the Michigan State representaitve want to set one up there too? Perhaps he will attend Brian's meeting as well to learn a few things.

Hey I just remembered, Steve is term limited too. Perhaps he could get a nice job with the Michigan Authority so he could earn some income given his vast border expertise.

Can you imagine, Brian and Steve controlling the just boggles my mind to even think about it!

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