Sunday, September 23, 2007

New W.ACT Press Conference Set For Tuesday

It's getting bigger and bigger. The scope of the WUC investigation now has become a local issue in the Provincial election.

And why hasn't Chair Junior replied? Did someone call his bluff?

Instead of trying to resolve matters, politicians schmeared Schnurr and W.ACT. Not too smart. All that is happening is that the resolve of citizens is getting stronger.

Obviously, the Eminence Greasie is on vacation since he would never have allowed this matter to get so out of control.

You are welcome to attend the next W.ACT news conference. I am told that if this cannot be resolved between W.ACT and Lewenza by Monday night, look out for some more headlines!


NOTICE OF Press Conference
Windsor, Ontario, September 23, 2007


It has become a major issue in the Provincial election campaign. The Windsor Utilities fiasco now must be dealt with by our two MPPs/Cabinet Ministers, Sandra Pupatello and Dwight Duncan. Windsor taxpayers demand answers from the province as well.

Chris Schnurr will be holding a press conference to outline what has happened over the past week since W.ACT first demanded a full WUC investigation.

Schnurr pointed out that “W.ACT asked our municipal and provincial governments for two things:

An apology from our municipal government and a court application to settle the conflicts issue, and Action by the Province for a full financial, business, and operational audit of the Windsor Utilities Commission, including its relationship with Enwin.”

Instead of an apology, WUC Chair, Councillor Lewenza cast aspersions. Instead of action, MPP/Cabinet Minister Dwight Duncan smeared W.ACT. Respecting conflicts of interest, that issue seems to have disappeared as far as City Hall is concerned.

W.ACT took up the offer of Councillor Lewenza, Chair of WUC, who stated on a Windsor Star blog that, "We will meet with every group. We will meet with everybody that has concerns."

We asked for a meeting. So far, we have heard nothing back from him.

W.ACT has no intention of backing down. We are encouraged by the support that we have received from taxpayers across the City. This press conference will outline W.ACT’s continuing course of action on behalf of Windsorites.

W.ACT will not rest until the truth is known.

WHERE: The Junction
1200 University Ave. W.
Windsor, ON

WHEN: Tuesday, September 25, 2007
12:15 PM

WHO: Chris Schnurr and fellow Windsorites

Lewenza finally responded at around 8PM Sunday night but unfortunately is not available to meet until around 11 AM or later on Thursday. Someone better give the Councillor a Blackberry so he can respond more quickly.

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