Friday, September 28, 2007

Schwartz Run-up

Can you feel excitement in the air as the day approaches when the new Schwartz report will come out. The anticipation is absolutely underwhelming.

I thought I would give you some information as a bit of a trailer before the main feature is shown:

  • Apparently Sam is working "round the clock" doing air-quality evaluations, soil evaluations and design work. Is this the same as working "feverishly?" For which activity can Sam bill at a higher rate?

  • Did Eddie's travel expenses to NYC to meet up with his experts come directly out of his expense account or were they charged to Parsons Brinckerhoff who would then charge Schwartz's company and who would perhaps then charge Estrin's law firm and then Estrin would charge the City as a disbursement expense item. Perhaps one of our intrepid, investigative reporters in Windsor could find the answer out to that.

  • Is there a reason he had to be in NYC on a Monday and miss Council and not some other day of the week?

  • If you want to know whether the report will come out before, after or during the election, the answer is yes

  • I must admit I don't know what the consultants are doing and why it is taking so long. They must have had something done in order to speak to the DRIC people and for someone to spill information to that Windsor Star columnist.

  • It seems that the consultants were hired to "counter" DRIC's plan. Don't you think it might be better for everyone if the consultants were instructed to work with the Governments cooperatively to arrive at a solution. Haven't we had enough of contentious matters.

  • I wonder if anyone has figured out how many reports Gridlock Sam has actually written since he started working for the City including drafts, redrafts and re-re-drafts.

  • Where will Sam's presentation take place this time, in Windsor or Tecumseh or elsewhere in the County if there is no space available on such short notice.

  • I wonder how many people actually will show up this time. If this is a Council meeting, will Alan McKinnon be able to register as a delegation and will he be able to cross examine the Mayor this time around

  • You know what would be very ironic. What if Eddie's consultants solve the air quality problem with their new road building. Surely it must mean that the Bridge Company no longer has to satisfy Transport Canada's requirements and so can build their bridge more quickly

  • I see that the DRIC deadline is October 15. My recollection is that the City has not always met deadlines and has asked for extensions. I wonder if they will do so again.

  • I can hardly wait to see the City Solicitor's report about how much this all cost!

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