Thursday, September 13, 2007

What's The Deal

The lightbulb came on very brightly!

Come on now. You know now that there is a deal between Eddie and the Liberals to help them elect Dwight and Sandra but over what who knows. Even Gord said that they are the winners over the no-names so you know they don't have to worry.

In passing, there is one matter that shall be disclosed soon that could cause major damage to their re-election chances if they do not play the issue properly. And I do NOT mean over the border! Windsor is a small town in many respects and issues can catch the public's imagination almost immediately.

It is the only chance the no-names will have to beat them!

My guess is that the deal has something to do with the DRIC road (probably a "break-through" announcement about a City-Provincial deal since Sam has been working so feverishly hard to redraft his Report after DRIC came out with theirs). Once that is announced look for claims of thousands of jobs to be created, high-paying ones too before the election.

Of course the bad guys who may kill the deal would be the Feds who have to pay for half of it and they will not be interested in supporting something that will be outrageously priced just to get Sandra and Dwight re-elected. So whatever the Province and Eddie agree to may be nothing more than election smoke and mirrors unless the Feds are onside.

My guess as well is there is something cooking re using E C Row for Montreal-Tijuana trucks but it will be put in the context of the transportation hub so that many people will be not outraged. Anyway, once it is uploaded to the Province to fix up the overpasses and roadbed and to expand it to 6 lanes, it is out of Eddie's control so he cannot be blamed.

Of course it may have something to do with the Provincial audit of WUC too. We know that Sandra and Dwight have spoken to the Minister of Municipal Affairs but we do NOT know what they talked about do we?

Why, you may ask, am I so convinced that there is a deal. First, Eddie sent a letter of support for Sandra for her nomination meeting.

Now this press release with Dwight just before the election. We will SAVE so much money BEFORE the election and SPEND so much on Smart metering AFTER. Do they all think we are that gullible:
  • Energy efficiency campaign to generate up to $3.5 million in energy savings for Windsor residents

    OTTAWA, Sept. 7 /CNW Telbec/ - An award-winning energy efficiency campaign was launched today in Windsor, part of a province-wide campaign to deliver 500,000 free energy-efficiency light bulbs to Ontario households. Project Porchlight is working with the Ontario Power Authority, the Government of Ontario, EnWin Utilities Ltd. in Windsor, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation to spread an important message: Everyone can conserve energy, save money, and help the environment with simple, effective actions.

    "This is about more than changing light bulbs," said Stuart Hickox, Executive Director of One Change, the organization that runs Project Porchlight. "Everybody can change a bulb, and once people realize that simple actions like this really do matter, they want to do more. A light goes on. So we are asking the people of Windsor to be a light in their own communities by delivering bulbs door-to-door."

    Switching just one old-fashioned incandescent bulb to an energy-efficient 13-watt compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb will save $50 in electricity costs over five years. With 70,000 bulbs in use, the collective savings for Windsor residents will be $3.5 million over that time. Because CFL bulbs use 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs, their use reduces greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired plants. If every household in Windsor switches just one bulb, 3,968,933 kg of coal won't have to be burned to produce electricity
    and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 35,000 tonnes.

    Dwight Duncan, MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh and Minister of Energy, Mayor Eddie Francis, Maxwell Zalev, Acting President and CEO of EnWin Utilities Ltd., and Edward Weinstein, CEO of Globe Electric, were at Princess Anne School in Windsor today to help launch Project Porchlight's campaign.

    Funding of $1.5 million from the Government of Ontario will enable local volunteers to deliver 500,000 CFL bulbs to Ontario homes. In recent months, Ontario has launched a range of new programs encouraging homeowners to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes. "Windsor is the perfect place to launch this campaign because of our proven commitment to energy conservation," said Minister Duncan. "By making just one change - like switching to CFL bulbs - we can all save energy, money, and help improve our environment."

    The Ontario Power Authority is also a key contributor to this volunteer-led initiative. "This program will help Windsor residents save on their electricity bills and will encourage a culture of conservation," said Peter Love, Chief Energy Conservation Officer, Ontario Power Authority. "Ontarians are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of electricity conservation and programs such as Project Porchlight help them make smart electricity choices."

    EnWin Utilities stepped in to ensure that Project Porchlight volunteers will be able to deliver bulbs across the whole city. "I am proud to see Windsor taking a leadership role in conserving energy," said Mayor Eddie Francis. "This conservation program is an example of EnWin's commitment to creating a more energy-efficient community, and I salute EnWin for taking an energy challenge and turning it into an energy opportunity."

    Windsor bulb distribution will begin in mid-September; Project Porchlight will continue to deliver its half million bulbs to communities across Ontario over the fall. Volunteers and community groups can visit the web site to sign up to volunteer.

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