Monday, September 10, 2007

Conspicuous By Their Silence

Did you know that the WUC has outside Commissioners that actually outnumber City Politicians on the Commission? Did you know that there is a City of Windsor Audit Committee?

Here are the outside Commissioners

James Drummond, P.Eng.
Golder Associates

Rocco Lucente, P.Eng.
R. Lucente Engineering Inc.

Loretta Stoyka, B.A., L.L.B
Senior Counsel, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C.

Karen Behune Plunkett
Walkerville Brewing Co.

George Sandala
Retired Vice President
TD Bank Financial

What are they doing about all of this WUC fiasco? What are their concerns about this mess? What actions have they taken so far? Have any of them said anything publicly?

The City of Windsor has an Audit Committee whose outside members are:

Maxwell Zalev, Chairperson (also Acting General Manager of WUC)

Bill Carter

George Sandala

Councillors Halberstadt and Marra (who is also on WUC) are members

What are they doing about all of this WUC fiasco? What are their concerns about this mess? What actions have they taken so far? Have any of them said anything publicly?

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