Friday, December 9, 2005

What's It All About Alfie

Wow, I always thought that Alfie Morgan was such a mild-mannered gentleman. But obviously behind the disguise of a retired University professor is his real identity, Super-Eddieprotector.

I do not think I have ever seen such an attack on someone in the pages of the Star since...oh, since a few days ago when Councillors Wilson and Cassivi were "trashed." Oh and a few days before that, when Chief Fields was told to shape up and do what he is told or be shipped out.

Alfie's Letter to the Editor about Dennis DesRosiers was brutal. And what annoyed me was the top billing it received and the fact that he was allowed 550+ words when the "normal" letter is not suposed to exceed 300 words.

I remembered that he was appointed by Mayor Francis as Acting Chief Administrative Officer of Windsor after Dennis Perlin was shifted to an economic development job and was a person retained to implement a business practices review for the City.

It is not the first time he defended Eddie either eg Eddie Francis had the courage to tackle 40-hour week and loss of OT for managers, Windsor is fortunate to have such an outstanding mayor, too many closed-door meetings and micro-management...I think I can shed a different light on these two issues, I will give the mayor a solid A. and so on.

Why DesRosiers, we are told by the ex-acting CAO, is nothing more than a self-promoting "consultant" (note the quotation marks in the letter) and a cheap one to boot since he cannot afford to buy advertising but uses the media to get his name accross. He is only a self-declared "expert" (again those quotation marks. They must mean something I guess)

And then, my goodness, the piece de resistance----he is a close friend (not just a friend) of Mike Hurst. Now I have gone and will go after Hurst as Mayor and CEO of DRTP because of his ideas and positions but I do not believe that it is a sin to be his friend, or even a close one.

Hmmm something is going on here. What do all of these people, DesRosiers, Cassivi, Wilson and Fields, have in common such they they became a focus of tough attacks.

I got it! I know. It is "MIKE HURST."

Does someone really think that Hurst might run for mayor? Mea Culpa. I admit that I started that rumour when I heard that Bill Marra might run in Ward 4. It left open for Mike the chance to run for Mayor to avenge his "loss" to Eddie. (See, I can use quotation marks because I am educated too) But I did it as a joke, honest. I did not mean it. I only told a few people. I did not think anyone would take it seriously.

Someone did....look at who got attacked:

  • Chief Fields who supported Hurst in 2000, five years ago no less.
  • David Cassivi who used to be a big supporter of Hurst when he was Mayor
  • Tom Wilson who I think said that Mike is still his friend
  • Dennis DesRosiers who is Hurst's close friend

I bet that you did not remember that just over a year ago, the ex-acting CAO went after Mike Hurst in a letter to the Star!

Now the ex-acting CAO knows "firsthand that Mayor Francis and councillors have been working diligently 24-7." If so, then obviously they get tired. DesRosiers must have been right, according to Alfie, when he said they were "sleeping at the switch."

Now I know as do you that Alfie was exaggerating about Eddie ....Eddie only worked 18 hours a day Alfie told us about 18 months ago with an "undivided attention and passionate, intense effort... [and with a] commitment to serve this city bordering on obsession."

I am not going to debate the ex-acting CAO about what he said in the second part of his letter since he is the academic not I. He is after all a Ph.D., and Professor Emeritus, Odette School of Business.

As ex-acting CAO, he clearly has an insider's perspective of City Hall. I was quite surprised, therefore, at his strong attack on DesRosiers rather than just an attack on his thesis.

If Eddie was that concerned about DesRosiers, Eddie should be quite able to look after himself being the excellent debater that he is. He does not need Alfie's help.

As for Alfie, I respect his intelligence. After all, he wrote a great letter just over 2 years ago saying "Where would Windsor be without the Ambassador Bridge." Now if he would only meet with his former employer and read him that letter so that the Mayor will do a deal with the Bridge Co. for the good of Windsor before the Detroit Councillors hammer us in January, then he will perform a great service to the City.

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