Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Masse's Tunnel Vision

Remember how I wondered if Deep Throat had met with Brian? [Deep Throat's Masse Conquest] I had suggested that "After the election, that's when he [Brian] gets tough on the Bridge Co. and and demands the "enhanced" WALTS Road."

I am more and more convinced that Brian really is coming to grasp the reality of the situation and much more quickly than I thought possible.

Of course, someone finally convinced the NDP Leader that the border was an issue and so it was mentioned in his Oshawa speech the other day. We'll see that in Brian's campaign literature shortly.

But the big news to me was that Brian "pressed the binational team to include consideration of tunneling of access roads." Surely Brian did not mean tunneling under the Ojibway nature reserve. Do you really believe that Brian would give up his Bronze medal in the Sierra Club's Eco-Olympics won for Environmental Team Work as a consistent supporter of environmental initiatives.

No, Brian must mean a different location. Where else then would tunneling be involved....yes, you got it...the final connection to the Ambassador Bridge, the obvious and missing yellow line on the map.

Hmmmmmm I bet that some of you are mocking me now. Brian is a staunch advocate of a "public" bridge. Or so you say.

Brian made some bad slips in the Star, or did he?

  1. Brian claimed that "public" tolls would be lower. But we all know that the round-trip Bridge Co.'s tolls are lower than the round-trip tolls of the Cities' owned Tunnel.
  2. Brian claimed that we had to ensure that "profits go back into the community." But didn't the people he brought in from Buffalo over the summer say that their Bridges made no profits. Wouldn't the benefit go to the out-of-town truckers who paid low tolls not the local community. Don't taxpayers benefit from the taxes the Bridge Co. pays on its profits and property in the City?
  3. Brian claimed we need public ownership "for national security reasons." But isn't the Bridge Co. the advocate for reverse Customs so that vehicles can be searched BEFORE they go over the crossing. Wasn't it the Bridge Co. who sued the US Government to open the customs booths that solved the backups on Huron Church that prevented our economy from suffering?

No Brian is moving closer step by step to the right answer. After all, he first supported the South Bridge, then the Ojibway crossing, did not object to the Bi-national adoption of the City's WALTS and Bridge Co. route and finally supports tunneling. There is no other conclusion to draw but that Brian will beat up the Bridge Co. to be re-elected after the next minority government falls!

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