Thursday, December 1, 2005

The Councillor Is Making It Hard For Me

I said again how much I respected Councillor Valentinis but that can only go so far.

He is quoted in the Star today as saying:

"council is not married to the controversial truck by-pass called for by the City's traffic expert Sam Schwartz that cuts through sensitive environmental lands near Ojibway Park.

"Schwartz is just one option, but the concept is there and that is, get this away from people...Create a by-pass. If you do not want to go near Ojibway, that's fine, then go to another site."

And Councillor STOPDRTP still supports the Schwartz strategy that is deader than dead. How out of touch the Ward 1 Councillor has become. But then again he has morphed himself now into Councillor Budget.

Frankly, this proves the utter and complete stupidity of the Mayor's and Council's strategy on the border.

DRIC gave them the road along Talbot that they agreed with unanimously for the past year and now they complain about it and want to waste millions on a lawsuit that makes no sense. They would be fighting against the road they wanted! [I hope someone retains me to act for the defendant on this one.]

Or did they outsmart themselves by knowing that the tree-huggers would win and that DRIC would be so intimidated that they would go through the empty lands of LaSalle. DRIC's proposal killed that one didn't it? I guess that DRIC was not as smart as the City thought or maybe they are smarter.

For heaven's sake....they have been advocating "Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz" for a year now until Fulvio said it was just a "starting point." Now it is just "one option." It really meant something totally different.

Why can't the City be honest already and stop playing these stupid games! Why didn't the City set out its true position right at the start and not waste a year and millions of dollars in fees.

I guess that is MY mistake. I worked to elect a "YOUNG entrepreneur of the year" instead of an experienced, real one!

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