Monday, December 5, 2005

Essex Title Fight

I really do like the Windsor Star! It's so much fun reading it. I guess it was boob day at the Star today and I do not just mean Pamela's.

I wonder how many Letters to the Editor they will get about the pictures on Pages one and five today. I wonder if the Editorial Board has a pool on this... Winner take all!

Take also, for instance, its attack on David Cassivi. Two stories and an editorial today. Totally predictable. The Fire Chief after his thorn last year at Budget time, two stories, an editorial, a Henderson column and an editorial cartoon. Totally predictable.

Now they are delivering a message to Susan Whelan with their front page story of her. Shape up or else.

Of course the Star is fair.....if you go inside the newspaper to finish reading the whole story. There is the front page attack on Susan (although there is a nice picture of her there too so they really don't mean it Susan) and the attack on Watson inside [Watson after all was a DRTP supporter. He published a number of press releases for which Eddie Francis was not too pleased and for which Watson was pilloried. They turned out to be pretty accurate though didn't they.]

BUT WAIT A MINUTE. Did you read the totally separate story on Page 2 where the first few paragraphs slam Watson. In effect, the whole front page story was a NON-STORY after all.
  • "Despite the controversy over Whelan's strategy, none of her lawn signs noticed by the Star on a drive through of the town Saturday read "re-elect" or referred to Whelan as incumbent.
What controversy....the Star-created controversy? Gee, do you think the easy answer was that Susan used her "old" signs since the "new" ones were not printed or delivered since she was not chosen yet as the candidate before the nomination meeting?

Why was this done? Lou should know. Remember what I wrote before in the BLOG: "THE MEDIA IS THE GOVERNMENT!" It will be interesting to watch the Star coverage of that electoral fight and to see if Susan learns her lesson and how quickly. You better support Eddie on whatever he does on the border or else!

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