Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Blogging And The Border

What power we Bloggers have. First a Henderson column to try and deflect Blogger criticism of the Mayor and now another Star editorial in favour of "Public" ownership of the new bridge. I am sure you remember the BLOG I wrote a few days ago: "The Border and Kids" and about the BLOG about the problems with public authorities in Western New York, especially the Peace Bridge Authority: "Only The Shadow Knows."

The Editorial Board does work hard to try and remain consistent even when they are seemingly inconsistent. Remember what they wrote before: "While that may seem to be an inconsistent conclusion coming from a newspaper that promotes the private sector over government involvement, the critical importance of the border -- in terms of both our national security and economic security -- changes the rules. Governments are the only ones with the ability to deal with these critical security issues."

First "redundancy" and then the "security" bugaboo to scare everyone. And now to depend on the NDP holding the balance of power in a minority Liberal Government to get what Windsor needs! The things that some will say to try and salvage a hopeless position.

So let's talk about it being a public bridge again:

  • "Public" tolls would be lower. But we all know that the round-trip Bridge Co.'s tolls are lower now than the round-trip tolls of the Windsor and Detroit Cities owned Tunnel.
  • "Profits go back into the community." But didn't the people that Brian Masse brought in from Buffalo over the summer say that their Bridges made no profits. Wouldn't the benefit go to the out-of-town truckers who paid low tolls not the local community? Don't taxpayers benefit from the taxes the private Bridge Co. pays on its profits and property in the City?
  • Public ownership "for national security reasons." But isn't the Bridge Co., not the Governments, the advocate for reverse Customs so that vehicles can be searched BEFORE they go over the crossing.
  • Public ownership "for economic security reasons." Wasn't it the Bridge Co., not the Governments, who sued the US Government to open the customs booths that solved the backups on Huron Church that prevented our economy from suffering?

As for the City of Windsor, our "public authority," why haven't the City and Province signed the Phase 1 deal re the Tunnel yet? Nothing will happen before 2007. What has happened to the City/Federal Government deal about Walker Road since it is delayed for a year now? Speaking of delays, more than six years after construction was to have begun on a new Peace Bridge between Fort Erie, Ont. and Buffalo, N.Y., a binational panel has settled on a design. Sounds like our bus terminal that was to be finished for the Super Bowl that has not yet begun construction!

The Star needs to give convincing answers as to where the billions for a new public crossing are to come from? Which Government programs should be cut to pay for this? We know provincially, there is no money until after 2010, as Dwight told us after the Gong Show announcement, and increased funds are not even provisioned in the Federal budget.

The Star needs to give convincing answers as to how the existing crossings can stay in business and the new public one be financially viable when traffic is decreasing. Or do we care if all of the crossings in SW Ontario go broke or require huge subsidies?

The Star needs to give convincing answers as to how many new crossings need to be built. Is one new public bridge enough or do we need more since terrorists are quite capable of hitting many targets at the same time? Why isn't the Star supporting reverse Customs instead?

The Star needs to give convincing answers as to why we should expect the NDP to do anything when Brian and Joe held the balance of power with their colleagues in the old Parliament and did nothing for us before? The border was not on Layton's list of urgent matters until the election.

The Star needs to give convincing answers as to what will happen when the Governments are sued for the "politics" of the Bi-national and the "expropriation" of the Bridge Co.'s business. How long will it take to litigate in both countries and what will be the impact?

No thanks Editorial Board....the people who gave us Canderel, the Income and Security building, the arena and MFP cannot handle big deals. The Senior Levels talk a good game but do nothing. We have border projects already in limbo and can see what has happened in Buffalo. I think that private enterprise has not done too badly for us in Windsor.

There is an easy answer to solve all this but why would anyone want to talk to the Bridge Co.! It seems that politicians think they cannot get elected if they dared do so. Pathetic isn't it!

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