Friday, December 23, 2005

Taking A Holiday Break

I expect that many of my readers are heading off for the holidays a bit early to beat the traffic jams and the crush of the crowds at the airports and train stations.

I have posted over 190 BLOGS since this blogsite was started back in August. It's been a lot of fun for me and I hope it has provided you, dear reader, with some entertainment and some information. I know that not everyone agrees with everything I write (in fact, I am sure that some agree with nothing I have to say!) but at least I trust that I have given you a different perspective on some of the key issues that confront us.

Thanks for visiting with me every day. I hope to see you again in the new year unless something really exciting happens before that I just have to tell you about.

May you and your family have a very happy and prosperous 2006!

Joe Blog

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