Wednesday, December 21, 2005


What's the Drill

Interesting story. Remember the recent outage in Detroit forcing the Tunnel to close for several hours. I know the Bridge has power back-up since it was open during the big black-out.

"Preparation and practice are critical for weathering disasters of any kind, and stakes are high for businesses and for citizens," said Laura Carlisle, regional vice president - Business of AT&T Inc. "When the 2003 blackout hit parts of the state, the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel was evacuated and the traffic was re-routed to the Ambassador Bridge in six minutes. The Detroit and Canada Tunnel Corporation had run that drill repeatedly after Sept. 11, 2001. Businesses should be equally prepared."

No Council Inquisition

The Star reported that Windsor Raceway has submitted an arena proposal to the City that will be made public next month.

Gee, I was hoping we might have seen the Raceway people (funny it is always the Raceway people, who are merely the landlord, and not some one from the Jebb group) being questioned by the Councillors right away. It would be interesting how they would have questioned the Raceway people in comparison with the Beztak reps.

Oh well, the Raceway people will have time to answer all concerns in private again before they hit the public Council session. One nice question to ask is how many of the County governments are onside now and will help provide financing. No need to be embarrassed with questions they cannot answer.

In August, Gord Henderson, around the time when Beztak entered the fray, claimed:

  • "the raceway plan involves an 8,000-seat arena and three other revenue-generating ice pads on a 30-acre site with 3,000 parking spaces adjacent to a refurbished slot palace and raceway grandstand. The proposal, like the one seven years ago, would feature a Wayne Gretzky restaurant and a Gretzky sports hall of fame utilizing the Toronto Dominion bank facade that's been in storage since the Norwich Block demolition.

    There's even a proposal to locate the restored Lancaster in the arena atrium. Other features would include a sports medic training centre, hotel, workout centre and retail outlets. In other words, a sports/entertainment attraction that would pay taxes instead of enjoying tax holidays. "
It will be interesting to see how close he is to the actual proposal.

Border Duo was back in town

I see that Messrs Estrin and Schwartz paid a visit here. It should be interesting how they oppose what the Bi-national wants to do seeing that it was similar to what they proposed and what Council unanimously endorsed in secret.

Can you imagine, the Mayor and Council being the champions of the people on Talbot Road! I can just picture how Ward 1 Councillors Zuk and Mr. Budget (oooops Mr. STOPDRTP) would be welcomed into their homes for a nice chat given their past relationships.

PM Martin and the Border

I wonder if he will huff and puff and say things down here to get votes but will so annoy the Americans that their Ambassador will no longer be prepared to pay the money that his predecessor said might be available. Being anti-American seems to be Liberal strategy these days

In that case, the Americans will tell just us where the border crossing will go and we can finally get on with life!

DesRosiers November Auto Industry Stats

Comments from Dennis:
  • "A couple of interesting things. First, the Honda Civic is very close to overtaking the F-Series Pick up truck as the best selling vehicle in Canada being only 105 units behind at the end of November. We have records going back to 1978 and a passenger car has never outsold a light truck. Being an import nameplate car also is symbolic of the issue GM, Ford and DCX are having holding market share. December will tell the story.

    Second, entry level vehicles were up 15.6 percent in November while all the other segments were soft or down. Maybe gas prices are affecting the market? The move to entry level also is negative for GM, Ford and DCX as these segments are typically where they have the lowest market share. Year to date, large luxury sport vehicles are selling well but not the last quarter."

Where's the Bacon Man

Rumour has it that city plans to increase parking meter rates in February 1. That should be excellent for Downtown and Erie Street business people. Who wants those crowds coming into their shops and restaurants anyway! And what perfect timing....just a few days before the Super Bowl so we can really stick it to the tourists who come here too.

A friend of mine, a business person, gave me a lesson in economics: when prices rise, demand falls. If it didn't, we'd see Devonshire Mall, and the Casino charge for parking.

Perhaps the new small business task force could look at parking as its first project or maybe just call Ernie for the solution.

Tough choices

Your staff and lawyers suggest and the union agrees with a $6,000 settlement in an employee dismissal arbitration case. Council turns it down and wants to pay only $1,500.

That is refused and a full-scale hearing takes place. I wonder what that costs will be even if the city wins. What will it cost if the City loses?

If it is a matter of principle as some on Council claim, then why offer anything? Did Council offer Jane Boyd a settlement? Where is that matter now and if in litigation still, how much has it cost us so far?

Library board member quits

After the miseries, I am surprised more Board members have not quit.

I wonder in which Ward Jeremy Tyrrell is going to run. I am sure that he will have some stories to tell about how this Council operates

It is going to get uglier and nastier and we still have about 11 months before the election.

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