Monday, December 12, 2005

The Buzz About Buzz

Buzz Hargrove is the ultimate negotiator for one of the biggest and most powerful unions in Canada. Don't you think the man knows what he is doing.

Paul Martin is the head of the most powerful political dynasty in Canada with the shrewdest political operatives behind him. Don't you think the man knows what he is doing.

For Paul, it is no-lose. The Grits were not ashamed to add Conservatives to their ranks to keep in power. Why would they worry about adding NDPers. If Buzz wants to send him voters to help elect a majority government (or even keep him in power with another minority one as many expect) and scare people away from supporting the Harper Conservatives, why would he say no.

Ahhh but for Buzz, it is sheer genious.

If there is a Liberal majority, who takes the credit----Buzz.

If there is a Liberal minority with the NDP being the swing party, who takes the credit----Buzz

If the NDP do well since the members are mad at him telling them what to do, who takes the credit----Buzz

In all cases, Buzz and the CAW win. Give the man some credit after all!

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