Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tofflemire Leaves

It is no surprise: John Tofflemire is leaving his job. I wonder what the rumour mill at City Hall will churn out about why he really is going.

I am sure that a number of people at City Hall will be quite "embarrassed" at John leaving. I wonder what secrets he really has about the border issue and I wonder if they will ever come out to "embarrass" someone. Wouldn't that be juicy!

Unfortunately, John I am sure will say nothing. I remember talking to him several months ago. I told him frankly that he upset me, given my job, with some of the positions that he seemed to advocate. He reminded me gently that his task was to carry out to the best of his ability what his political masters instructed him to do. He was a true civil servant in that regard.

I have heard that a number of other managers are upset at what is going on at City Hall. Morale I am told is low. Pay cuts, longer hours, redcircling, Star exposes do not make for a healthy environment. If one senior person after another leaves, who will work here? What kind of reputation does this City have out there? That is now becoming a big concern.
I am sure that the Mayor and CAO would agree with me that this has the potential to be "an embarrassment to the City" if not handled properly.

Exchange of emails between John Tofflemire and John Skorobohacz's office

To: City Council

I have just returned from a brief meeting with the CAO where I informed him that I have accepted the position of Director of Community Services with the Municipality of Leamington, and accordingly I am resigning my position as General Manager of Public Works. My last day with the Corporation will be Jan. 13, 2006.

There are many personal reasons for this decison, chief among them being the opportunity for my wife and I to relocate to our family farm in Leamington where I grew up, and to share that experience with my own family.

I am very proud of my accomplishments with the City over the nearly 25 years of public service here, and in particular of the staff that I leave behind. I will make myself available at every opportuinity to assist in any way I can, both during the next few weeks of transition and following my departure. I will only be an e-mail away.

Thanks to all of you for all of your considerations over the years.

Sincerely, John D. Tofflemire, P. Eng., General Manager, Public Works

From: Loader, Mary
To: City Council;

Subject: New Position for John Tofflemire

Sent of behalf of John Skorobohacz, CAO

John Tofflemire, General Manager of Public Works for the City of Windsor,has accepted a new position as the Director of Community Services with the Municipality of Leamington.

After almost 25 years with the City of Windsor, John has contributed enormously to the infrastructure development of Windsor. We are very grateful for his leadership during the last two decades and we wish him well in his new position.

John Tofflemire joined the City of Windsor in 1981 as the Assistant Director of Traffic Engineering. He moved quickly into the position of Director of Traffic Engineering in 1983. He was instrumental in introducing computerized traffic signals and applying new technological changes to the area of traffic engineering. He was named the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering in 1992. From 2003 - 2004, he was the General Manager of Infrastructure Services and City Engineer before being named
the present General Manager of Public Works in 2004.

John will be missed by his colleagues and co-workers here at the City however this new opportunity will enable him to return to the homestead on the family farm in Leamington.

Mary Loader
Office of the CAO

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