Friday, December 2, 2005

I Guessed Correctly

The Star reported that the Councillors are considering a lawsuit over the roadway to the border. Of course it is completely hypocritical since the Mayor and Council voted unanimously in favour of going on Talbot Road when the guru, Gridlock Sam, made that his choice.

So what's the deal?

Obviously Council has failed miserably at doing anything on the border so it is time to talk tough again since an election is coming up. If you failed totally at what you were elected to do, then you have to do something don't you? And if a lawsuit is started, then when you are asked a question, the easy way is not to answer since it is under litigation! That should shut everyone up about the border! As we have seen with the Mady parking garage issue, the Mayor is a master of that being the lawyer that he is.

Wow, Eddie's strategists sure are smart aren't they?

The excuse is "protecting neighbourhoods" and apple pie!

At the least, it is seemingly an action to please the Talbot Road people (whom Council ignored before.) We are fighting for people rather than vacant agricultural land will be the cry. In the end, the City will take the praise as the Senior Levels "give in" and buy the residents out (as they already want to do!)

But I think it is much more than that....I believe it is part of an "irritant" and "delay" strategy. I expect that the Mayor is part of that as well as the Senior Levels. Of course it hurts the City of Windsor but who cares because there are bigger fish to fry.

It all makes sense now....It is all well-orchestrated.

I'll talk about that in another BLOG.

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