Monday, December 12, 2005

Hey Bud--This Vote's For You

Nice picture of Eddie Francis holding a football in the four page Advertising Feature in the Star today which I assume was sponsored by the beer company, Anheuser-Busch. Looks like Joey Harrington gave him some tips on holding a football.

Why, it would not surprise me to see the Mayor as the driver of the Budweiser Clydesdales Hitch Team too when it is in Windsor (By the way, Bud's ad agency needs a proof-reader who knows how to spell the name of the horse breed!)

Now some of you probably think that it is OK for the Mayor of Windsor to appear in a private beer company advertising piece since it is the Super Bowl after all. I don't! This practice should be nipped in the bud! (sorry, bad pun) If not, next we may see the Council Budgeteeers hawking tax saving software around tax time or the leftists flogging Library Cards.

I am sure seeing the Mayor in the Special will not promote drinking at all. I liked the page in the 4 page newspaper and in the booklet especially with the contest if one purchases the 24-bottle "Sport Pack." If you hear a sound when opening a case, you win a prize!

Mind you, one beer Company said "we are striving to capture an increasing share of each new generation of legal-drinking-age beer drinkers in order to gain their brand loyalty for the long-term." They need that too as younger drinkers are moving away from beer to spirits. Just ask Hiram Walker. Having the young Mayor of Windsor on the front page of your Ad Special doesn't hurt.

But if you think that Eddie is doing this just for the Super Bowl how wrong you are. Check out the demographics as shown in the picture on Page 2---young, male (and a lot of women drink beer too). Remember the Town Hall meeting at the mall directed to the younger citizens of Windsor....There was a purpose for that too.

Nope, Eddie learned from Kwame to whom he needs to reach to help get him re-elected next time around. It worked for the Mayor of Detroit and he got four more years!

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