Friday, December 2, 2005

We AUTO Be Doing Something Quickly

Don't you think that Mayor Francis and Council ought to be doing something rather than being fixated on the border....something like economic redevelopment and providing an environment for creating jobs.

The latest shocker may come from another auto plant closing down resulting in more job losses.

The Wall Street Journal reported today:

Ford Looks to Close Plants,
Shed Jobs in Overhaul

Moves Seen as One Element
Of Broader Strategy Review
Amid Losses, Falling Sales
December 2, 2005; Page A1

Weeks after rival General Motors Corp. announced plans to eliminate 30,000 jobs next year, some details are starting to emerge about job cuts and plant closings at the U.S.'s other big auto maker, Ford Motor Co.

Though Ford's plan, dubbed the "Way Forward," is still being formulated and is subject to change, the nation's second-largest auto maker is likely to shutter assembly plants in St. Louis, Atlanta and St. Paul, Minn., according to two people familiar with its product plans. Also slated for closure are an engine-parts plant in Windsor, Ontario, and a truck-assembly plant in Cuautitlan, Mexico, said these people.

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