Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I wish that I could be like a big-name Movie or Rock Star and be reported to be everywhere at once just like the Stars who were supposedly in Windsor during Super Bowl when they were really someplace else. Maybe I should try cloning.

March 23 is going to be a busy day:
  1. Dwight Duncan's big Budget Speech featuring infrastructure goodies for Toronto (and for Windsor as well?)
  2. Michigan House Committee Transportation, Joint Meeting with Senate Transportation in Lansing on Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) Study
  3. Windsor's Public Meeting of Windsor City Council: Response to the Detroit River International Crossing Partnership (DRICP) Environmental Process - Border

A Toronto Sun news story came out saying that Dwight is "dampening rising expectations" about new subway funding and multi-billion-dollar windfalls and that even for the subway (and our border) the project "would require federal funding to proceed." If true, this can only mean generalizations rather than specific goodies. Frankly, if Dwight announced a subway deal, he might have to resign as Finance Minister since it would seem to confirm a leak and he would never be able to run for leadership of the Federal Liberals.

And if there is nothing specific for Toronto, then do not hold your breath for Windsor.

As for Windsor's Oldcastle part of Windsor? If not, why is the meeting being held out of the City? Seems odd to me.

Anyway, it is not a "regular" Council meeting under the Procedural By-law nor has it been called a "special" Council meeting as others have been in the past but a "public" Council meeting whatever that is (I hate to be legalistic).

The meeting may well be improper anyway since "regular" meetings must be in Windsor so presumably "special" or "public" meetings must be too (although the Procedural By-law is unclear) ie "All regular meetings of the Council shall be held in the Council Chambers of Windsor City Hall at 350 City Hall Square (3rd Floor), or at such other place within the City of Windsor as Council may from time to time determine"

Nothing under the Municipal Act allows the session to be held in Tecumseh either unless there is an "emergency" and I cannot believe there is one.

Regardless where the meeting will take place, Eddie will control the discussion spouting the Procedural By-law as his crutch by limiting discussion to "response to the DRICP" rather than the real issue, city's total failure to perform as they were elected to do.

After all, would you want to hear from delegation after delegation, telling you that you and your colleagues had failed so miserably?

Soooo, I guess that means the real action will take place in Lansing to see what will really happen on the border! It may not be pretty for Windsor by the time it is all over.

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