Wednesday, March 1, 2006

More On The Sandwich/Delray War

I started to have some doubts about whether I was right that the border issue was coming down to a fight over which Community would be destroyed in the name of progress for the border, Sandwich or Delray. (Please, do not tell me about diagonal or S-bridges!)

I received this note from a reader about my Blog on Sandwich and Delray:

"Do yourself a favour… don’t bring up this article [Detroit News story] arguing against an X10 or X11 crossing. The people in the article itself want out of Delray. I have driven the site and it is much much worse than Sandwich and this article confirms it. The handful of times I drove the area I could barely breathe from the waste water treatment plant fumes and the Zug Island pollution. Stop comparing Sandwich and Delray like you did today. Not even close."

So I wondered if I was right in my analysis and sent the note to my friend in Delray and got back this reply:


I for one do not want out of Delray. If I did, I would have left a long time ago.

Second, yes at times the air can be bad. But the man who lived across the street from me was born and died in this neighborhood. He was 104. My father was born on this street and died on this street. He was 86.

So when people, like this one who replied to your blog, say bad things about Delray, more than likely they don't or never did live here. Our area is this way because of neglect by our city. Thats where it all started. When the people who live in Delray saw that we were forgotten, they began to lose hope and they too, some of them, added to the problem.

Hey, if you can get away with throwing garbage any place you want, running a drug house or any other type of illegal business and you know you won't get in trouble with the police, some people will take advantage of the situation. Our city doesn't fine people and there is no police, visible, presence here. Our city is broke!

Your blogger who wrote this is FULL OF S**T. And from living here, I know what s**t smells and looks like first hand.

Ed, You can use my comment but not my name. Just sign it; A proud resident and supporter of Delray."

So the first battle of a war that may turn out to be painful for certain residents on one side of the border in this region has started. Which side that is, I do not know.

The real tragedy is that it does not have to be that way

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