Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not Living On The Edge

I must admit I had trouble with the Windsor Star story yesterday on Delray since I did not understand the reason for it. Obviously, it would make me very concerned if I were a Delray resident and should make me nervous if I were one from Sandwich. Maybe that was the reason: to get Sandwichites (or is it Sandwichers or Sandwichians) to come to the "Public" meeting and the DRIC meeting to protest.

At least one thing about it was positive. We can stop spending millions on DRIC. Dave Battagello told us in no uncertain terms:
  • "Delray will be the location for the next Windsor-Detroit border crossing which Michigan transportation officials have said will go either on the west side or east side of historic Fort Wayne, which is surrounded by the community."
No ifs, ands or buts in that statement. And since it got past the eagle eyes of the Star's editors it must be true. Too bad he did not tell us where it was landing on our side. But if he did, then we could cancel our Star subscription since there would be no more border news.

Now my understanding is that on the US side they now want a 300 acre plaza. I thought they were looking at 100 acres before or was that just on our side. So it must mean wiping out a good part of Delray altogether, East and West, or at least making the life of those who are left hell no matter where they live in that area. Hmmmmm I wonder if Detroit Council knows this.

What does this mean for Windsor? Well first of all, I want a huge 300 acre plaza in Sandwich too darn it. If the Americans can have one so can we. If it means wiping out Sandwich well, the residents can move too can't they to the better life described in Dave's story. Thank goodness the 110 acres in the golf-course sized DRTP Customs area in the heart of the City seems to have disappeared. All we may be left with is 300 acres in Sandwich for trucks to sit and idle and belch out diesel fumes. Whew, thank goodness DRIC did not think of putting the plaza in the industrial area where the Bridge co. proposed it. If they did, then no one would have to be moved out!

I AM NOT SERIOUS. I AM BEING SARCASTIC. No hate mail or crank phone calls please.

Did you read this line---"The decision has left hundreds of Delray homeowners on edge, fully aware the bridge and plaza locations, should they become a reality in the next few years, will determine how many of the community's blocks will be seized under eminent domain."

Well, notwithstanding the efforts of the Ward 2 Councillors, now hundreds of Sandwich residents can live "on edge" too! They can wonder which of their homes and businesses will be needed since the bridge seems to be going in at Sterling Fuels along with a plaza nearby.

I must admit that I do not think I could "live on the edge" like this for years without knowing. The pressure has to be enormous since it is always there and is about your and your family's HOME! I know what people on the DRTP corridor were thinking and know that some actually moved or were thinking of moving out of the area.

If you stay, you could be doomed. If you try to sell, no one would buy your place. And if you are expropriated, will you get enough money to find a new place? Of course, since you are living in a poorer area, who will act on your behalf since you cannot afford expensive lawyers and consultants?

I am having trouble figuring all of this out to be sure but my wife asked me a key question and when I answer that, then I will share my answer with you.

Give me a few days though. Right now, I have to go and talk to a lawyer about a meeting.

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