Monday, March 6, 2006

It's Marra's For The Taking

You know the game: "Good cop, Bad cop"

If Bill Marra wanted to be the next Mayor of Windsor, he would be! There is no doubt in my mind now that in a repeat of the last mayoral election in Windsor, Bill Marra would easily beat Eddie Francis. After all, Eddie only received 53.45% of the votes and he did not have a dismal record that he will have to justify as he does now.

I know that is not what the E-Machine wants everyone to think but is there any other conclusion that one can draw?

We have seen the "Bad Cop" nasty approach to try to scare Bill into not running. A few days ago, I noted the following comment published at the end of a news story about Marra "Political observers, like Lloyd Brown-John, suggested that Marra target a councillor's seat rather than the mayor's chair. "I don't think Eddie Francis is beatable for a lot of good reasons," said Brown-John, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Windsor. "He hasn't really offended anybody."

Why was it necessary for the Star to run another Marra running for office story? Is there something going on in the Community that involved Marra and political office that required it? Other than Bill "thinking" about it and "talking" to some people about it, I did not see a reason for this story.

Of course we cynical people can suspect why! Was there a need to provide some semblance of balance to the Henderson attack on Marra's chances just 2 weeks before. You remember "Francis is a shoo-in. One hundred per cent. I don't care who runs against him. Even if Buzz (Hargrove) were to come down and run. I'd bet a thousand bucks on that one," said one of Bill Marra's closest supporters.

I think that approach will back-fire and might even encourage Bill to run. So why not try the "Good Cop" approach. You know the one that was started almost immediately after the November election: 12-04-2003 "The Liberals, having failed to land Masse, should beg Marra to run in one of the Windsor ridings. He wasn't the city's first choice for mayor. But he would make a first-rate member of parliament. "

Now the obvious position that may become vacant is that of Sandra Pupatello our Windsor West MPP. Her husband, Jim Bennett just became the new leader of the Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal party. If she decides to move to Newfoundland to help her husband win or she decides not to run for re-election, then Bill should be the obvious Liberal choice to replace her.

Other possibilities include running in Dwight's riding IF he chooses for run for the Liberal Leadership or running federally in the next election.

Why should Bill run for mayor now and then risk losing a second time will be the cry. Why should Bill jeopardize a promising career at a Senior Level?

When those stories start, then you know Bill is our new mayor!

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